Open Letter to The New Zealand Government.

Harm Reduction Coalition Aotearoa, officially launched today, on International Harm Reduction Day. HRCA seeks a new fit-for-purpose drug law for Aotearoa New Zealand, rooted in science, experience and evidence, to promote harm reduction and protect human rights as originally recommended by the NZ Law Commission in 2011.

Founded by a diverse, non-partisan, independent group with a wealth of expertise in drug policy and practice, HRCA boasts a membership of over 50 individuals and six organisations, including; the Drugs Health and Development Project (DHDP), the Drug Injecting Services Canterbury (DISC), Aotearoa Drug Information Outreach (ADIO), Know Your Stuff (KYSNZ), Students for Sensible Drug Policy Aotearoa (SSDP) and HIT UK.

Wendy Allison MNZM, a founding member of HRCA who was also instrumental in bringing drug checking to New Zealand says:

"It is clear that the Misuse of Drugs Act is not fit for purpose. After 50 years it has failed to reduce drug use or drug harm. In fact, every problem we have around drugs in Aotearoa has developed under prohibition. We as a country deserve better - it's time for a new approach."

The Open Letter to the government is supported by 155 signatures and includes eight professors, 31 doctors (PhD & MDs), is endorsed by 29 organisations and supported by experts from 14 countries across North America, South America, South Africa, Europe and Australasia. 


International Harm Reduction Day


Prohibition: Not What You Think