Recommended Videos on the Web

Prof. Dills, School of Economics, Western Carolina, USA, delivers a logical and rational account of the consequences of prohibition.

Ex-undercover police officer and member of LEAP (Law Enforcement Action Partnership), Neil Woods, exposes the truth behind drug busts & why they never reduce the supply of drugs.

Kgalema Motlanthe closing speech at the 27th Harm Reduction International Conference 2023. The former President of South Africa, imprisoned for 10yrs on Robben Island for his ANC activism, calls for a complete end to prohibition.

David Nutt is an English neuropsychopharmacologist specialising in the research of drugs that affect the brain and conditions such as addiction, anxiety, and sleep. He was the UK Government's chief advisor on drug policy. He was fired in 2009 after criticising the Government's approach to drug harms.

A century of suffering, overdose, and unimaginable grief - these are the outcomes of our current drug policy. The legacy of prohibition has left generations in mourning. It's time for evidence over ideology.

Hilary Agro an anthropologist and drug use expert goes over the reasons for full drug legalization and regulation.

Almost 40ys ago Liverpool delivered harm reduction & ensured people addicted to heroin or cocaine had access to a free safe supply, including injectables and smokables. Fascinating insight.

Professor Carl Hart neuroscientist and psychologist explains how we've been hoodwinked by myths about drugs and addiction.

Criminologist and founder of Know Your Stuff Wendy Allison says the majority of people who use drugs are not misusing them.

Drug policy reformist Ethan Nadelmann makes an impassioned plea to end the "backward, heartless, disastrous" movement to stamp out the drug trade.

Professor and Psychiatrist David Nutt challenges thinking around neuroscientific thinking and drugs. Nutt encourages us to stop seeing drugs through the veil of prejudice and seek evidence based approaches.

At the heart of our broken system of drug policies lie underlying assumptions about people who use drugs. These negative stereotypes create laws that prohibit drug use and influence how we treat people who use substances. Stigma is both individual and systemic—how we treat others, and how institutions like hospitals and the legal system treat people.

Talk to your politician about drugs. Save them from drug-policy abuse

Harm Reduction Websites

  • ACLU works to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties (including drug law reform) guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the USA

  • ACMD UK Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs

  • AIVL The Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the national organisation representing people who use/have used illicit drugs

  • Alcohol Concern campaigning for effective alcohol policy and improved services

  • Alcohol Policy news and analysis for the alcohol harm reduction field

  • Alliance for Rights-Oriented Drug Policies The Alliance for Rights-Oriented Drug Policies (AROD) was created for the purpose of reviewing the relationship between drug prohibition and human rights law.

  • Beckley Foundation A UK-based think-tank and NGO to pioneer psychedelic research and drive evidence-based drug policy reform

  • Black Poppy Magazine Black Poppy is a voluntary organisation that creates and produces the drug user’s health and lifestyle magazine,

  • Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC) a policy advocacy organization striving to end the harms of drug prohibition.

  • CDPE Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation strives to improve community health and safety by conducting research and outreach on best practices in drug policy.

  • Count the Cost A collaborative project to highlight the negative impacts of the war on drugs in seven key policy areas

  • CREIDU The Centre for Research Excellence into Injecting Drug Use

  • Doctors for Drug Policy Reform USA based organisation for doctors who support law reform

  • Drink & Drugs News A magazine for the substance use field

  • Drug Equality Alliance (DEA) purpose is to transform the “War on Some People who use Some Drugs”

  • Drug Law Reform The TNI/WOLA Drug Law Reform Project promotes more effective and humane drug policies through dialogue and up-to-date analysis of developments in the region.

  • Drug Library A massive library of drug policy resources

  • Drug Policy Alliance UK organization working to end the war on drugs.

  • Drug Science A leading independent scientific body providing clear, evidence-based information without political or commercial interference.

  • Drug Truth International Drug Truth International provides the truth in an area inherently beset by lies and misinformation – drugs!

  • Drug Truth Network The Drug Truth Network (DTN) is a media production organization dedicated to exposing the scam of the “war on drugs.”

  • DrugReporter Drugreporter is the drug policy website of the Rights Reporter Foundation. The website was created in 2004 to promote drug policy reform advocacy

  • Drugs and Me an educational website that provides information about existing harm reduction methods for drug users

  • Drugs Meter Anonymous, personalised feedback on your drug use

  • DrugScope UK charity supporting professionals working in drug and alcohol treatment, drug education, prevention & criminal justice.

  • DrugWarFacts Highly recommended. Reliable data on drugs, drug policies, effective interventions, and the impact of the failed war on drugs.

  • DrugWise Daily a news service for the drug and alcohol sector

  • DSHRJ Drugs, Society, Human Rights & Justice Magazine

  • EMCDDA The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

  • EROWID member-supported organization providing access to reliable, non-judgmental information about psychoactive plants, chemicals, and related issues.

  • ESPAD European School Survey Drugs and Alcohol

  • FFDLR Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform

  • FILTER  USA based magazine for rational and compassionate approaches to drug use, drug policy & human rights.

  • FINDINGS Drug and Alcohol Findings – lots of accessible articles

  • GCDP The Global Commission on Drug Policy – international informed, science-based discussion about humane and effective drug policies

  • GDS Global Drug Survey

  • GOV UK Alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment guidance for the UK

  • HIT HIT delivers effective interventions on drugs, community safety and other public health concerns, produce publications, run mass media campaigns, deliver training, organise conferences and provide consultancy

  • Human Rights Watch Drug Policy and Human Rights

  • ICHRDP International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy

  • IDHDP International doctors for healthier drug policies

  • IDPC The International Drug Policy Consortium

  • IHRA International Harm Reduction Association

  • Indep Scientific Comm Drugs offers impartial objective information on drugs and drug harms to the public, to educators and to academics.

  • INPUD The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) is a global peer-based organisation that seeks to promote the health and defend the rights of people who use drugs.

  • Insite DCR Since opening its doors in 2003, Insite has been a safe, health-focused place where people inject drugs and connect to health care services

  • Institute of Alcohol Studies An independent institute bringing together evidence, policy and practice from home and abroad to promote an informed debate on alcohol’s impact on society.

  • ISSDP The International Society for the Study of Drug Policy is a society of scholars committed to advancing drug policy research.

  • JPI Justice Policy Institute is a US organization focused on reducing the use of incarceration and the justice system and promoting healthy, equitable and safe communities

  • KnowYourStuffNZ New Zealand based drug checking and harm reduction organisation

  • LEAP Law Enforcement Action Partnership to unite and mobilize the voice of law enforcement in support of drug policy and criminal justice reforms

  • Liberty Also known as the National Council for Civil Liberties

  • Lives of Substance Life stories from people who consider themselves to have an addiction, dependence or drug habit.

  • MAP Media Awareness Project a worldwide network dedicated to media coverage of drug policy reform

  • NADCP The National Association of Drug Court Professionals – providing ‘treatment’ that’s shaped by the ideology of prohibition

  • NORML NZ National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws works to end cannabis prohibition in New Zealand, and bring about progressive drug policies.

  • NZ Drug Foundation Heavily govt funded NGO that organised and coordinates drug information and debate in New Zealand

  • OSF Open Society Foundations Global Drug Policy Program promotes drug policies rooted in human rights, sustainable development, social justice, and public health.

  • Overdose Prevention Alliance The Overdose Prevention Alliance (OPA) is a place for information and debate on drug overdose worldwide

  • PHS Intersectional groundbreaking harm reduction services in Vancouver for individuals who are poorly served elsewhere in the community due to complex need.

  • RAND Providing decision makers with rigorous, nonpartisan research on substance use and drug policy

  • Recovery Stories Recovery Stories empower individuals, families and communities to recover from addiction and mental health problems. They do this by providing hope, understanding and a sense of belonging

  • Recovery Stories Recovery Stories empower individuals, families and communities to recover from addiction and mental health problems. They do this by providing hope, understanding and a sense of belonging

  • Release Highly Recommended. Release believes in a just and fair society where drug policies should reduce the harms associated with drugs, and where those who use drugs are treated based on principles of human rights, dignity and equality.

  • Schaffer Library A massive library of information and articles on drugs

  • SSAC Social Studies of Addiction Concepts

  • SSDP Students for Sensible Drug Policy

  • Stop the drug war We seek to end prohibition and replace it with a combination of regulation, health and social programs addressing substances’ risks and harms.

  • SupportDontPunish A global grassroots-centred initiative in support of harm reduction and drug policies that prioritise public health and human rights.

  • The Regulation Project The project aims to educate the public about the various legal regulation models for different drugs

  • TalkingDrugs is one of the few online global platforms dedicated to reporting on the world of drugs

  • Thinking Drugs A site is for people who want to develop their opinion on international drugs issues

  • TNI Transnational Institute Drugs & Democracy analyses the trends in the illegal drugs market and drug policies globally. A critical watchdog of UN drug control institutions.

  • Transform Want to see a world in which drugs are regulated effectively, risks are reduced, and policy promotes health and social justice

  • UKDPC UK Drug Policy Commission an independent body that provided objective analysis of the evidence concerning drug policy and practice

  • UKHRA United Kingdom Harm Reduction Alliance a campaigning coalition of stakeholders that aims to put public health and human rights at the centre of drug treatment and services

  • Unharm Preventing addiction by promoting caring communities and the regulation, education and services that support us

  • UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • URBAN75 Legal advice and useful down to earth information on drugs